วันศุกร์ที่ 12 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
The Google Sitemap For Idiots
I do not mind admitting that whenever a new fangled idea or a piece of technology is online, a small adjustment, and I wonder how long it would take for me to understand what it is what it is and if I do, use it to keep up there. It is even more worrying when the experts to explain and really only serve to confuse the issue when they use their techno-speak . Here, I'm still struggling with the RSS and comes with the Google Sitemap its agenda. I must admit, sounds easy enough to read a few articles on how to organize the site map or instructions to access and manage Google may be completely confused. I do not know what it is, although I know it's not just me. I also know that many people who work on the Internet and have the same problem. Maybe iban a school in the wrong decade (seventy or even before). But when we can identify and write, we can not have? For those who need to know what Google Sitemaps program is all about, here is a brief, my language - English. At least, I think it is anyway: Google, I imagine that there was enough billion-exploration sites, most of which are largely inactive or abandoned, or both. So we give webmasters (owners) an opportunity to play a role in the frequency and importance in our monitoring sites. Even to the point that gives us an opportunity to give priority to these aspects of each page. In doing so, too, is able to do a part of their work for them, what is right, which looks at our sites. I think that's a good thing. In his instructions, Google gives a couple of different methods that can generate a Sitemap in question and how to get it on your server, etc. To be honest, I felt very confused. They suggest that they use Sitemaps, but only if your server is compatible uses so-called Python 2.2 , and you need to know the command that starts? What? It should be nerd thing. Whenever I send a simple question to my our web hosting company, for example, what is your name, I have three paragraphs of incomprehensible techno-speak so how do I know if I have Snake-thingy on my server? Hence, the directions Google is not good for me, or someone like me. Although their options, but a little easier, if not all the issues I have to respond to pass through a room. Fortunately, by trial and error (or perhaps because I can really be a nerd ), I can tell you how to generate a Sitemap, upload it to your server (and more importantly, where can we save the same) And how you can send it to Google. First, go to this site - http://www.blocklayer.com/googlesitemap/ and see that everything you need to do is save the Web page that you (the largest domain name) in the field and click on Create map. This will create a list of pages on your site and also request a list of all the broken links or inactive (which can go on fixing). You can change the frequency of each page is reviewed and rhythm is important. Obviously, the pages that change frequently, they must be examined more often, etc. When you are satisfied with the list of pages, you can click on the site map XML, a Web site coding XML maps. XML is the code that is used in the RSS, which is very similar to HTML format. However, and this little magic you have to do something before you can download to your server. You need to copy and paste the XML for a notepad . You call the file sitemap.xml. Now, the full file name that goes in the file name. . Xml not write type , as in Word, Excel or other programs. Low and see the little Notebook magic program recognizes that it is XML format (I do not know how likely mirror?) File ending with . XML extension. This is what you get on your server. It is very simple. You just put in what they call the root directory. I learned that it is the most important issue (I do not know why not simply say folder , but ?). Hence, the first folder on your site. Use cPanelX? It is called html public. If you are using FrontPage? He is simply a folder with the main URL of your name. My first question was What is the Sub-domains? Do I send its own Sitemaps or will be included in this to generate the main field? The answer is that the subdomain are not included in the main Sitemaps, you must generate one by one by simply using the sub-field of URL into the generator. This is useful because each sub-Dominion generally have special needs and it would be more uncomfortable if they were included in the main site of the card. Obviously, in the case of a subdomain, root directory or folder, which came into this site is the largest subfolder domain, which is the first on the primary domain . A presentation of Google is actually a simple process. You just enter your Google account (which must have one) and click on Add and enter the filename comprehensive site map, which are as follows: http://www.mydomain. com / sitemap.xml and click on Submit Web. Even if I had a little fun with the fact that still, after several years to earn his life on the Internet, I do not understand much of the jargon . For those of you who are in the same position or those who are new to this business on the Internet thing, I can honestly say that you get a hand on it and find that all these things that seem entirely May is overwhelming at first, the meaning and scope easier if you take the time to read and find out. Indeed, he gave the concept, and that made things much easier. Oh God! I think I am a nerd! Stephen Brennan is the author of the popular electronic book http://www.ebooks.online-plus.biz the title The guide agents - The Definitive Guide to subsidiaries of success. It also manages http://www.online-plus.biz Home Based Business Partner and Central.
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